Introducing KinderPerfect: Cards Against Humanity for Parents!


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Parents playing cards like KinderPerfect, the Cards Against Humanity inspired game for moms and dads.

My younger brother and sister are always telling me I should play Cards Against Humanity, but I've long wondered if I'm just too much of a mom to get it. In case you aren't familiar with this party pastime, it's a game for "horrible people" per the guilty pleasure's website.

Well, parents Wayan and Amy Vota have come up with a way to make Cards Against Humanity speak to a diaper-changing, carpool-running mom like myself. It's a spin-off game called KinderPerfect and it works pretty much the same way as the original version, using word association to come up with disturbingly funny question-and-answer pairs. The difference is, the cards pertain to parenting topics like breastfeeding and kids' birthday parties.

Some question cards include "Signs you are THAT family" and "Why is Mommy mad?" while the answers include "Eating placenta" and "Chasing poop in the bathtub…again!"

kinderperfect cards

To come up with ideas for KinderPerfect cards, the Votas didn't have to look far; their experiences raising their daughters, 7-year-old Hanalei and 5-year-old Archer, provided plenty of creative inspiration.

Wayan told The Huffington Post, "Like every parent, we love our kids, but they can drive us crazy. It's their antics, and those of other children, that inspired many of the cards." He adds the goal of KinderPerfect is "to take the everyday pain of parenthood and make it into an excuse for 'mommy juice!'"

Well, sign me up! I could certainly use a good laugh and a little (a lot of) wine after a hectic day with my three kids. How the hell else will I survive?

If you want to suggest an idea for a card, simply visit the Votas' online suggestion page. You may win a completed deck if your idea is chosen. The game will also be available on Amazon this fall.

Melissa Willets is a writer/blogger and a mom. Follow her on Twitter (@Spitupnsuburbs), where she chronicles her love of exercising and drinking coffee, but never simultaneously.


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