Hollee Actman Becker

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Amazon’s Alexa Now Plays ”Baby-Making” Music

It's no secret that trying to conceive can sometimes turn into a tedious chore—even for th

Whoa! Very Young Babies See Things That Are Invisible to Adults

Remember the infamous dress that was hotly debated as being either white and gold or blue and black? We

A Shocking Number of TTC Couples Have Unsexy Sex to Get It Done

Trying to make a baby is serious business. There's the cycle charting, the temperature taking, and&#x20

Are You Feeding Your Kids These Gender Stereotypes?

Have you guys heard about Gender baby food? It's made entirely from ingredients naturally grown i

This Woman Made Medical History By Getting Pregnant When She Was Already 10 Days Pregnant

If you think it's safe to have unprotected sex when you're pregnant because, well...you're al

Here’s Why Your BPA-Free Products Probably Aren’t Safe Either

Are your BPA-free products as safe as you think? Probably not, according to a new study. In fact, they may b