Melissa Willets

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Kangaroo Care Isn’t Just for Moms—See This Father and Son Cuddling Newborn Twins

But now, a photo of a father and his son cuddling newborn twins on their chests is winning the hearts of Int

Babies Remember Their Native Languages Even If They Don’t Speak Them, Research Shows

Again and again, research proves babies absorb so much more about the world around them than we may think. I

Breastfeeding Moms Get Thank-You Cards in New Campaign

Breastfeeding in public is sometimes met with judgment and criticism. But one advocacy group called Br

Baby Inherits Rare, Fourth-Generation Birthmark

I am constantly told that my daughters look just like me, and that I look a lot like my mom. But South Carol

Why Researchers Say Snuggling With Baby Has Lifelong Positive Effects

We already know closeness with baby brings joy and comfort to both mom and her little one. Now, new re

You Won’t Believe How Early Kids’ Bad Eating Habits Start

We know childhood obesity is an epidemic. But would you believe unbalanced eating habits develop as early as